Canadian Nature Federation - Manitoba Wildlands
Manitoba Election Survey 2003

Voting Box
This election survey has been sent to all four political parties in Manitoba. (Election day is June 3, 2003.) For details on public policy regarding Manitoba's lands and waters, l999 election environment commitments, policy and protected areas mapping go to Each question is posed to the political parties based on their campaign to form government in Manitoba. The survey requests either a Yes or No answer to each question, with comments optional.

Protected Areas Questions    Manitoba Hydro Questions
East Side Lake Winnipeg - Planning Initiative Questions    Climate Change Questions

Protected Areas Questions


  1. Will your government maintain protection from development for all current protected areas? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  2. Will your government withhold development from areas under review for protected status? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  3. Will your government complete outstanding protected areas establishment in our forest regions? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____ Provide time table please.

  4. Will your government ensure that protected areas networks are completed in forestry license areas? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  5. Will you make protected areas establishment a condition of forestry licenses? YES_____ NO_____ Comment____

  6. Will your government renew Manitoba's Action Plan for a Network of Protected Areas for an additional three years, using the same goals, standards and assessment methods? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  7. Will your government renew the First Nation protected areas Memorandum of Understanding, staff consultations, and support the MOU budget again? YES_____ NO_____

  8. Will your government retain the areas of special interest under review for protection, including outcomes from industry sector reviews? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  9. Will your government achieve interim protection of current priority areas around Hudson Bay during 2003? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  10. When will your government designate the first protected areas inside the Tolko forest management license area? ___________Which areas?_________________

  11. Prime Minister Chretien and Premier Doer have agreed that establishment of the Manitoba Lowlands National Park is a priority this year. Will your government achieve interim protection for the core candidate areas during 2003? If not, when? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  12. Several priority areas in the region in the southeast corner of Manitoba were identified for protected status during spring 2002. Will your government place interim protection on these priority areas during 2003? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  13. Will your government make sure all future Government of Manitoba crown land mapping shows protected areas? YES NO Comment_______

  14. Manitoba Conservation annual budget increased this year, while the Protected Areas Initiative is losing staff resources, technical and travel resources. Will your government renew staffing, and resources for protected areas establishment in Manitoba following the election? YES_____ NO_____

Manitoba Hydro Questions


  1. As a publicly owner utility Manitoba Hydro is subject to public expectations and public policy. Will your government apply the 'Conservation First' principle and complete protected areas establishment before hydro development? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  2. As a publicly owner utility Manitoba Hydro is subject to public expectations and public policy. Will your government apply the 'Conservation First' principle and complete protected areas establishment before hydro development? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  3. Will your government apply continued trapline health, productivity and the Aboriginal right to trap as a licensing standard for hydro developments? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  4. Will your government provide regular, public posting of water elevations, and changes in water elevations across the hydro system in Manitoba? YES______ NO_____ Comments_______

  5. There is no public energy plan for our province. Will your government provide Manitobans with a transparent, benchmarked energy development plan? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  6. Manitoba Hydro development intentions are disclosed to the public during single development license reviews. Will your government ensure that Manitoba Hydro make all its development intentions public? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  7. Will your government require that Manitoba hydro energy will only be exported based on contract guarantees from customers of no net increase in green house gases/emissions/pollution from its use? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____
    Will you monitor these guarantees, transparently and in public? YES_____ NO_____

  8. Will your government ensure that any export agreement for Manitoba hydro energy ensures right of first access to energy for Manitoban use? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

  9. Will your government ensure that any export agreement of hydro energy has predictable, transparent timing for access to Manitoba's grid? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_____

East Side Lake Winnipeg — Planning Initiative Questions


  1. Will your government maintain protection for all lands on the East Side of Manitoba currently protected from development? YES_____ NO_____

  2. Will you make completion of protected areas network on the east side a central requirement of any east side land use plan? YES_____ NO_____

  3. Will your government make sustainability for woodland caribou herds, calving areas, and habitat a central ingredient for any east side land use plan? YES_____ NO_____

  4. Will your government uphold the fundamental principle indicated in the East Side Lake Winnipeg Round Table Terms of Reference, "Maintaining the ecological integrity and biological functions of the boreal forest within the planning area"? YES_____ NO _____Comment_________

  5. Will your government immediately file materials missing from the East Side Planning Initiative public registry file, keep all meetings open, include planning table members in the stakeholders advisory committee (as per the COSDI model), and make all reports, presentations, documents from planning initiative meetings available to all participants? YES ______ NO______ Comment_________

  6. Will your government guarantee public, transparent public review of any land use planning recommendations, and reports with public registry posting of comments before finalizing any land use plan? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________

  7. Will your government consider a policy of equal per diem for participants in the east side planning initiative (including First Nation Council and Advisory Committee)? YES____ NO_____ Comment_________

  8. Will your government put in place the annual support to First Nations communities affected by the east side planning initiative, as per sub committee recommendations? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________

Climate Change Questions


  1. Will your government participate in Canada's Climate Change Voluntary Challenge Registry? YES ____ NO_____ Comment_________

  2. Will your government report publicly on action in respect to the recommendations of the September 2001 Report of the Climate Change task Force? (especially pg. 33 & pg.34) YES_______ NO_____ Comment_________

  3. Will your government establish a carbon inventory and budget for developments in Manitoba? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________

  4. Will your government make public all calculations for net greenhouse gas emissions as listed in "Kyoto and Beyond" (both June 2001 and Sept. 2001 versions)? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________

  5. Does your party agree that protected areas are significant carbon reserves (sinks)? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________ Does your party agree that networks of protected areas can provide species with critical habitat and corridors in the face of climate change? YES_____ NO_____ Comment_________