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Reality Check
Date Posted: March 9, 2012
Hydraulic fracturing (or fracking for short) is a technology used by the oil and gas industry that involves pumping a mix of fluid (water), sand (proppant), and dangerous chemicals down a well and into the reservoir at ultra-high pressure to create fractures in rock formations to make previously impermeable oil and natural gas deposits accessible.
Fracking also raises concerns about impacts on water, including quality and risks to acquifer in Manitoba. Manitoba has no regulations pertaining to fracking, disclosure of chemicals, despite having active leases for fracking operations.
The Southwestern portion of Manitoba is located in an area known as the Bakken Formation, an inter-bedded sequence of black shale, siltstone and sandstone that also underlies large areas of northwestern North Dakota, northeastern Montana, and southern Saskatchewan. A 2008 US Geological Survey estimates there are 3.65 billion barrels of recoverable crude oil in the Bakken, 2.0 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 150 million barrels of natural gas liquids located across the entire Bakken formation.
The number of oil wells in Manitoba has more than tripled: to 3,000 in 2009, from 1,400 in 2003. It is estimated that 300-500 oil wells will be drilled in Manitoba in 2012.
It is not clear how many of these new wells are utilizing fracking techniques to produce oil and gas, but it is clear that fracking is occurring in the oil fields of Manitoba.
Widespread issues about fracking continue to mount across North America.
- February 15, 2012 iPolitics article
- Oil & Gas Industry Today, Hydraulic Fracturing Manitoba News Feed
- Council of Canadians, Don’t Frack With Our Water page
- Government of Manitoba: Innovation, Energy & Mines – Petroleum Branch website
- October 3, 2011 Government of Manitoba: Innovation, Energy & Mines, Well Location Map No 7 (PDF)
- October 3, 2011 Government of Manitoba: Innovation, Energy & Mines, Daly Sinclair Field (PDF)
- September 27, 2011 Energy & Capital article, North Dakota Fields Up In Flames Oil Companies Rush To Extract Oil From The Bakken Shale Field
- September 21, 2011 Ridgeline Energy Services Inc. press release Ridgeline Signs Development Agreement With a Major North American Oil and Gas Producer to Treat Frac and Produced Water
- January 8, 2010 Tundra Oil & Gas Partnership Application for Enhanced Oil Recovery Waterflood Project Ebor Unit No. 2 to Government of Manitoba. (PDF)
- Government of Manitoba: Innovation, Energy & Mines, Sinclair Field 2003-2009 (PDF)
- 2008 Government of Manitoba, Oil Activity Review (PDF)
- Government of Manitoba/Government of Saskatchewan, Williston Basin Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI) website
- January 18, 2006 Government of Manitoba: Industry, Economic Development & Mines report, Sinclair Bakken-Three Forks Development Overview (PDF)
- October 18, 2006 Saskatchewan and Northern Plains Oil and Gas Symposium, Petroleum Geology Of The Devonian Three Forks Formation, Sinclair Field And Surrounding Area, Southwestern Manitoba (PDF)
- 2006 Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Regional hydrochemistry of Lower Paleozoic aquifers in the northern portion of the Williston Basin, Saskatchewan–Manitoba (PDF)
- Christopher, J., M.Yurkowski, M.Nicolas, and J.Bamburak 2006, The Cenomanian-Santonian Colorado Formations of Eastern Southern Saskatchewan and Southwestern Manitoba (PDF)
- Kreis, K., A. Costa, and K.Osadetz, 2006, Hydrocarbon Potential of Bakken and Torquay Formations, Southestern Saskatchewan (PDF)
- Dan Barchyn Bakken/Torquay Development: A Manitoba Update power point presentation (PDF)
- November 2006, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, Reserves and Production Division, Technology-Based Oil and Natural Gas Plays:
Shale Shock! Could There Be Billions in the Bakken? (PDF)
- Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Bakken Shale
- OilShaleGas.com, Bakken Shale page
- September/October 1989 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology abstract Effective Hydraulic Fracturing Of The Lower Amaranth Formation In Southern Manitoba
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