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Land Changes Across North America - New Atlas 28 March 14

All over the North American continent, natural and human-caused events are altering land cover – whether from insect infestations, forest fires, industrial uses, or urban sprawl. Some of these changes are visible from space and, in collaboration with Canada, Mexico and the US, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) released a new set of maps and data sets depicting land cover changes in North America's forests, prairies, deserts and cities, using satellite images from 2005 and 2010.

The maps featured in the CEC's North American Environmental Atlas depicts land cover changes in North America's forests, prairies, deserts and cities, using satellite images from 2005 and 2010. These changes can be attributed to forest fires, insect infestation, urban sprawl and other natural or human-caused events. Produced by the North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS), a trinational collaborative effort through by the CEC, these maps and accompanying data can be used to address issues such as climate change, carbon sequestration, biodiversity loss, and changes in ecosystem structure and function.

View March 11, 2014 Commission for Environmental Cooperation article
View October 2013 American Meteorological Society report
View Commission for Environmental Cooperation website
View National Resources Canada Characterization and Monitoring Change of Canada's Land Surface
View U.S. Geological Survey North American Land Change Monitoring System page
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Canada Ranks Last In World On Environment 21 March 14

The Washington-based Center for Global Development assesses 27 wealthy nations annually on their commitment to seven areas that impact the world's poor. Canada came 13th in this year's survey, which will be released Monday. Denmark led the list, followed by Sweden and Norway, with Japan and South Korea at the bottom.

Canada "has the dubious honor of being the only CDI country with an environment score which has gone down since we first calculated the CDI [in 2003]," the report said. "This reflects rising fossil fuel production and its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, the world's only treaty governing the emissions of heat-trapping gasses. Canada has dropped below the U.S. into bottom place on the environment component."

Canada dropped from 12th place last year and did far worse in the environmental protection category, where it ranked 27th. Every other country made progress in this area except Canada, the centre said in a report on the rankings.

View November 23, 2013 Media.K-Net article
View November 18, 2013 The Globe and Mail article
View November 18, 2013 The Globe and Mail article
View November 18, 2013 Huffington Post article
View November 12, 2013 International Energy Agency report
View Center for Global Development Commitment to Development Index 2013 page
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The Human Face of Energy East Pipeline 21 March 14

A photographer who has shot for National Geographic Traveller is setting out on a road trip along the proposed route of the TransCanada Energy East pipeline. Robert van Waarden is trying to crowdsource $10,000 to partially cover the costs of his project to put a human face on the proposed $1.2 billion project.

"There is an opportunity to tell the personal story about how people along the line feel," van Waarden says about his motivation to capture stories from a cross section of Canadians stretching from "the fisherman on Grand Manan Island to the farmer in Saskatchewan."

Energy East is a massive project proposed by TransCanada Corp. to bring 1.1 million barrels a day of western oil to eastern markets along a 4,600-kilometre pipeline. It involves converting a 40 year old existing gas pipeline, the development of 72 new pumping stations along the route and new pipelines to connect oil sands in Alberta to Quebec City and then on to St. John, N.B.

"The oil sands are already Canada's fastest-growing source of carbon pollution and the Energy East pipeline would help to accelerate production. Any regulatory review should include not only the impact of the pipeline itself, but also the impact of producing the crude that would flow through it." (Clare Demerse, Federal Policy Director, Pembina Institute)

View March 19, 2014 DeSmog Canada article
View February 6, 2014 Pembina Institute media release
View August 7, 2013 DeSmog Canada article
View Along the Pipeline Indiegogo page
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World Water Day 2014 21 March 14

World Water day is Saturday, March 22 2014 – a day we can reflect how important water is to everyday life, what we can do to better manage it, and how to raise awareness of water-related problems afflicting people and environments. Water, the most primary and universal requirement for life, ironically seems to take a backseat in the quest for 'development' and 'progress'. Our unsustainable habits take their toll on life across the globe, and will continue until we change our fundamental approach to life-giving water.

The theme for the United Nations World Water Day 2014 is water and energy – a theme that hits home for Manitobans. The upcoming public hearings about regulation of Lake Winnipeg, and the current and expanding hydroelectric infrastructure on the Nelson River in northern Manitoba, are examples of developments that affect Manitoba's vast freshwater system. Manitobans have the responsibility, as the lucky stewards of this immense watershed, to educate themselves about risks to their waters, to voice their concerns to regulatory and governmental bodies, and to bring about positive change for the future.

View United Nations Water World Water Day 2014 page
View Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation Cold Amazon: The Mackenzie River Basin page
View The Council of Canadians World Water Day page
View United Nations' World Water Day YouTube Channel
Source: United Nations Water
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EU Parliament Calls for High Arctic Sanctuary 21 March 14

On March 12, 2014, the European Parliament passed a resolution encouraging more regulatory environmental protection for the fragile high Arctic ecosystem. The resolution a growing international movement of creating an environmental sanctuary around the North Pole; a crusade spearheaded by Greenpeace. This step towards protecting the Arctic against increasing pressure from international industries and developers is complemented by Finland's support of a permanently protected 2.8 million square kilometer Arctic Sanctuary.

International regulatory protection of the high Arctic would result in preservation of innumerable species of fish, marine mammals, and threatened Arctic iconic species such as polar bears and barren ground caribou. Establishing appropriate regulatory mechanisms to control environmental degradation caused by fishing fleets, mining and oil companies would be necessary under the European Union Arctic Strategy.

To properly implement such a groundbreaking strategy, all countries sharing Arctic territory must agree to commit – something that has yet to happen.

"As the European Union sets an impressive precedent for Arctic protection, Canada continues to push forward its pro-business and pro-oil agenda as chair of the Arctic Council," said Greenpeace Canada spokesperson Farrah Khan in a March 12 news release. "To successfully prevent devastating oil spills and the depletion of fish stocks that could destroy the livelihoods of millions, measures such as those proposed by the European Parliament need to be reflected in Canadian law as well as the laws of all Arctic states."

View March 14, 2014 The Maritime Executive article
View March 13, 2014 Nunatsiaq Online article
View March 12, 2014 Greenpeace article
Source: Nunatsiaq Online
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The Great Green Wall Initiative 21 March 14

Climate change and poor land use management have resulted in disastrous land degradation across northern Africa. Countries in the Sahel-Sahara region including Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Senegal have united under the 'Great Green Wall Initiative' to restore native plant and animal life to their environments.

A joint effort to reverse food insecurity, over farming and overgrazing is underway, and attempts to mitigate the effects of climate change and extreme weather are in the making. The effects of land degradation are most severe in Sub-Saharan Africa, where roughly 500 million people are trying to make a living from land subjected to increasing desertification – a process where extreme nutrient loss in soil results in a desert-like wasteland.

Jean-Marc Sinnassamy, senior environmental specialist with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), looks at this union of countries as a unique opportunity to unite governments on a strong political base. Sinnassamy stated, "Here, we saw political leaders, heads of state, ministers in different countries wanting to work on common environmental issues and wanting to tackle land degradation issues together."

View Global Environment Facility The Great Green Wall page
View Wikipedia Great Green Wall page
View November 4, 2013 National Geographic article
View December 16, 2013 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations article
Source: Global Environment Facility
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Ontario Bear Hunt May Reopen 14 March 14

In the face of a provincial election where every decision could gain or lose votes, Ontario's Liberal Government may reopen the spring bear hunt for a two-year 'trial' period. Political parties are debating the bear hunt due to the divide that exists between northern and southern Ontario voters. The bears, which occur almost exclusively in the north of the province, were hunted in the springtime until 1999, when Conservative premier Mike Harris cancelled the spring bear hunt.

However, over the last 15 years, the increase in the number of 'nuisance' bear sightings has brought this issue back. A trap and relocate program initiated by the Ontario government to deal with problem bears coming into contact with humans had a 70% success rate, however this program ended in 2012. The spring hunt is proposed as being a financially beneficial solution to the 'nuisance' bear problem. Scientific studies argue reopening the hunt will not make any substantial difference in preventing bears from approaching human.

The government of Manitoba allows both spring and fall season to be open to black bear hunting, with a limit of one adult bear per person per year. Female bears with cubs cannot be killed at any time of the year.

View March 7, 2014 Toronto Star article
View February 25, 2014 The Globe and Mail article
View November 14, 2013 CBC News article
View Manitoba Government Black Bear Hunting page
Sign Ontario Minister of Natural Resources: Do Not Re-Institute the Spring Bear Hunt petition
Source: Toronto Star
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New Ozone-Destroying Gases Discovered 14 March 14

A "very worrying" discovery of four new ozone-destroying gases have left University of East Anglia scientists concerned about potential global implications. Their publication in Nature Geoscience compared current air samples with air samples from archival "polar firm" snow in Greenland. This comparison led to the identification and discovery of three new chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs) and one hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) gas. Two of the four gases were found to be significantly increasing in concentration.

"The three CFCs are being destroyed very slowly in the atmosphere – so even if emissions were to stop immediately, they will still be around for many decades to come", stated lead author Dr. Johannes Laube from UEA's School of Environmental Sciences.

Studies lead the scientists to predict that roughly 74,000 tonnes of all four chemicals combined were released before 2012 and were not present in the atmosphere before the 1960's. This leads to the assumption the chemicals are manmade. The sources of the chemicals have not yet been identified.

"We don't know where the new gases are being emitted from and this should be investigated. Possible sources include feedstock chemicals for insecticide production and solvents for cleaning electronic components." said Dr. Laube.

View March 10, 2014 Common Dreams article
View March 10, 2014 The Economic Times article
View March 10, 2014 Discovery News article
View March 9, 2014 Reuters article
Source: Common Dreams
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Canadian Natural Resources Faces 11 Charges 14 March 14

In August 2013, oilsands giant Canadian Natural Resources released toxic hydrogen sulphide at its Horizon upgrader near Fort McMurray. This dangerous release could potentially result in up to eleven charges under the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and could add up to $5.5 million in penalties.

Charges the company faces include: Combustion at the flare stack; release of an unapproved substance; release of a substance causing a significant adverse effect; failure to report approval contraventions; and failing to report to and providing misleading information to the director and the Fort McKay First Nation. Although there was no indication of how much gas released, a news release by the Alberta government stated that the gas release was picked up by air-monitoring equipment and confirmed through complaints from Fort McMurray residents.

With a smell akin to rotten eggs, hydrogen sulphide at low concentrations can cause dizziness, headaches, irritated respiratory pathways and nausea. Higher concentrations, however, cause sleepiness, blurred vision or death from respiratory failure.

Zoe Addington, Canadian Natural Resources spokeswoman, stated via email, "Canadian Natural takes theses charges very seriously. Because of legal proceeding, we are not commenting at this time."

View March 10, 2014 Stockhouse article
View March 7, 2014 The Calgary Herald article
View March 7, 2014 Global News article
View September 27, 2013 Global News article
Source: The Calgary Herald
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DFO Minister Ignored Own Scientists: Canada's Court Ruling 14 March 14

An unprecedented court injunction has barred Department of Fisheries and Oceans from opening a commercial fishery off Vancouver Island after a judge concluded DFO was "fudging the numbers” and that the federal minister declared it open against her own bureaucrats' advice.

The Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations, whose herring-roe fishery has been closed since 2006, went to court last month seeking the injunction. The ruling has prompted the Haida First Nation to threaten similar court action. The First Nations say the fisheries should not be opened because they have not recovered enough to allow safe harvesting.

The decision came after an internal memo revealed Fisheries Minister Gail Shea overruled recommendations of scientists in her own department. The DFO memo revealed that department experts had recommended maintaining the herring fisheries closure for the 2014 season, and that Shea had nonetheless recommended opening the fishery in three disputed areas.

The memorandum to the minister, written by the federal herring co-ordinator in Vancouver, and signed by David Bevan, the DFO associate deputy minister, was based on recommendations of scientists and B.C. herring managers.

View March 14, 2014 The First Perspective article
View March 9, 2014 The Globe and Mail article
View February 26, 2014 The Tyee article
View February 22, 2014 article
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Ban Fracking In Canada: Save Our Water 14 March 14

Fracking - also known as hydraulic fracturing - is a process used to extract natural gas or oil trapped in shale rock and coal beds. And it's one of the biggest threats to clean water today. Oil and gas companies blast apart underground rock formations using pressurized water, sand and a mix of toxic chemicals they are not legally required to disclose, despite some have been known to cause cancer and damage internal organs.

Millions of litres of water are extracted every day from community watersheds across Canada to fuel this booming industry. There is currently no federal oversight to keep the industry in check, or to protect the health of people and our drinking water.

The recent report, "Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Stress", shows the severity of the problem. Alberta and B.C. are among eight North American regions examined in the study by Ceres, a U.S.-based nonprofit advocating for sustainability leadership.

One of the most disturbing findings is that hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is using enormous amounts of water in areas that are short on water. The report notes close to half the oil and gas wells recently fracked in the U.S. "are in regions with high or extremely high water stress" and more than 55 per cent are in areas experiencing drought.

Fracking is all about the short term profit and offers no comfort for the future borrowed from the coming generations. It is time to ban fracking in Canada.

Sign the Petition here: Demand a Ban on Fracking in Canada

View February 19, 2014 The Huffington Post article
View February 1, 2014 The New York Times article
View February 2014 Ceres report
View Lists of Fracking Bans Worldwide
View New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance website
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UN Report - We Are Not Ready For Climate Change 7 March 14

A draft UN report on the environment says global warming will reduce the world's crop production by up to two per cent every decade and wreak up to $1.45 trillion of economic damage by the end of this century. Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun revealed details of the document a month ahead of it being presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a Nobel-winning group of scientists.

The draft report came after a five-day meeting in Japan and is the second volume in a long-awaited trilogy by the IPCC in its first overview of the causes and effects of global warming, and options for dealing with it, since 2007. In the first volume of the three-part review, the IPCC said it was more certain than ever that humans were the cause of global warming and predicted temperatures would rise another 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius (0.5-8.6 degrees Fahrenheit) this century.

Ian Bruce, science and policy manager at the David Suzuki Foundation in Vancouver, said it is clear that Canada is more vulnerable to some of the effects of climate change, and that global warming is amplified at the north and south poles. That's the bad news, he said.

"The good news is that the report shows that our future will not be determined by chance but (by) choices we make," said Bruce. "So we have a choice to reduce carbon emissions. The report says it is still possible that we can escape the worst impacts of climate change if we make some important changes."

View March 7, 2014 The Guardian article
View February 28, 2014 Common Dreams article
View December 16, 2013 Sightline Daily article
View October 3, 2013 David Suzuki Foundation article
View September 30, 2013 Toronto Star article
View 2013 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Visit Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change website
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014