Manitoba Wildlands  
Cree Lands Claim Before Conawapa 27 May 08

Fox Lake Cree Nation logoFox Lake Cree Nation in northern Manitoba continues to face the impact of three major hydro dams on the Nelson River.

The Conawapa Hydro project would be the fourth dam built in Fox Lake's traditional territory. Fox Lake Cree Nation is calling on Ottawa to acknowledge devastating impacts of the previous Kettle, Long Spruce and Limestone dams and resolve the federal government's failure to provide a Reserve in their traditional territory.

"Conawapa will not occur until the federal government comes to the table," said Culture and Heritage Minister Eric Robinson, who has written to federal Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl to demand a settlement. AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine also stated his support for Fox Lake Cree Nation.

Members of Fox Lake Cree Nation live mostly in Gillam and on several land parcels nearby. The government has a treaty land entitlement waiting ratification by the band that would give Fox Lake 26,000 acres in reserve lands.

View May 8, 2008 Winnipeg Free Press article
View May 16, 2008 Fox Lake Cree Nation response
View May 7, 2008 Fox Lake Cree Nation news release

Sources: Winnipeg Free Press, Fox Lake Cree Nation, Turtle Island
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