Manitoba Wildlands  
Ontario Peat for Power Generation 16 June 08

Wildlands League logoOntario Power Generation may be approved to test burn peat at its Atikokan Generating Station. OPG is interested in replacing 20 percent of its current generation of electricity from coal burning with peat. Harvesting Northern Ontario peatlands may also fuel building conflict between First Nations and government over resource extraction projects.

The proposal's public review period came to a close during a recent week long Aboriginal protest at the Ontario Legislature by members and supporters of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI), Ardoch Algonquins, Grassy Narrows about their right to oppose mineral exploration and logging on their lands.

Environmental advocate Wildlands League opposes the proposal to burn peat arguing that extraction will destroy a significant carbon reservoir, increase greenhouse gas emissions and cause harm to northern ecosystems.

According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), peat is less efficient and produces more carbon dioxide emissions than coal and natural gas. Peat is not considered a biofuel by the IPCC because the rate of renewal at 20-60 cm per 1000 years is too slow.

View Wildlands League Proposal to Test Burn Peat on EBR
View Ontario Environmental Registry - Ontario Power Generation
View May 27, 2008 Canadian Press article (PDF)
View May 26, 2008 Wildlands League press release (PDF)
Visit Peat Resources Limited - The Cleaner Alternative

Sources: Wildlands League, Government of Ontario, Peat Resources
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