Manitoba Wildlands  
Hydro Threatens Proposed Tursujuq Park 23 July 08

Hydro Quebec logoHydro Quebec opposed the province's expansion of the proposed Tursujuq provincial park at public hearings in June 2008, fearing it could restrict future hydroelectric projects.

Tursujuq provincial park along Nunavik's eastern Hudson's Bay coast has yet to be permanently protected but environmental groups, including the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, are calling for an expansion. The proposed addition is more than 10,000 square kilometers in size and includes the entire Nastapoka River's headwaters and chain of inland lakes.

Hydro Quebec has no current plans but is interested in future hydroelectric opportunities along Little Whale River and the Nastapoka River, which flow in and around Tursujuq. A hydro dam on the Nastapoka River could produce 1,000 megawatts of power - but would require power lines and access routes to cut through the park.

Tursujuq will be Nunavik's third provincial park and is located along the transition zone between the boreal forest and tundra. Endangered beluga whales gather in the Nastapoka River's estuary during summer and it is home to a population of rare landlocked salmon.

View July 11, 2008 Nunatsiaq News article
View May 8, 2008 Northern Waterways article
View Quebec Government Provisional Master Plan - Parc national des Lacs-Guillaume-Delisle-et-a-l'Eau-Clair (PDF)
View National Parks of Quebec Website - Parc national des Lacs-Guillaume-Delisle-et-a-l'Eau-Clair Project
View June 20, 2008 Nunatsiaq News article

Sources: Nunatsiaq News, Northern Waterways, and Government of Quebec
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