Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Awarded A+ for Energy Efficiency 26 August 08

Manitoba and hydro logosThe Federal government is behind on energy efficiency programs but Manitoba and British Columbia are top of the class according to the National Energy Efficiency Report Card.

Released by the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA), an energy industry based organization, the report card gives all 14 Canadian jurisdictions a passing grade. Manitoba received an A+ for increasing efficiency requirements for new homes and the Green Building Policy for government funded projects. Manitoba also reported the highest per capita spending on energy efficiency in the country.

"It is good to see this kind of acknowledgement of Manitoba's programs for energy efficiency. The lack of transparency and detail as to the assessment for each criteria to show how grades are arrived at weakens this ranking. Our recommendation would be for the CEEA to take steps to improve their methods, as this will reflect well on utilities and governments being graded," Gaile Whelan Enns told Manitoba Wildlands.

The CEEA releases the report card every two years. It is based on 9 parameters including codes and standards of energy efficiency, initiatives to reduce fuel consumption, public outreach, and regulation on utilities.

View August 12, 2008 Energy Efficiency Alliance article
View Canadian Energy Efficiency Center 2007 Report Cards
View Energy Efficiency Alliance Grade per Jurisdiction (PDF)
View Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance - National Energy Efficiency Report Card on Government Activities (PDF)
View August 12, 2008 Canadian Press article
View August 14, 2008 Environmental Data Interactive Exchange article

Sources: Globe-Net, CEEA, Environmental Communication, Canadian Press, Environmental Data Interactive Exchange
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