Manitoba Wildlands  
Canada Creates Three New Artic Wildlife Areas 09 September 08

Seabird by W. GladishCanada will protect more than 450,000 hectares of Arctic wilderness in Nunavut, including a globally significant Important Bird Area, by establishing three new National Wildlife Areas (NWA): Niginganiq (Isabella Bay); Qaqulluit (Cape Searle); and Akpait (Reid Bay). All three sites are located on the northeast side of Baffin Island in Nunavut.

The 336,000 ha Niginganiq (nee geen ga nik) National Wildlife Area (Isabella Bay) is a marine region on Baffin Island that is a crucial feeding area for threatened bowhead whales. The area also includes a shallow shelf at the entrance to the bay for predatory orca whales. Polar bears, ringed seals, Canada geese, snow geese, halibut, and narwhal are also found in and around the area.

The Akpait (ak pa eet) and Qaqulluit (ka koo loo eet) NWAs near Qikiqtarjuaq (kick-ih-TAR-jew-ack) (Broughton Island) are known for significant populations of seabirds including one of Canada's largest Thick-billed Murre colonies, and Canada's largest colony of Northern Fulmars.

"Inuit began negotiations for the three National Wildlife Areas plus two already established, and eight Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in Nunavut in 2001. Today's historic signing brings that work . . . to an end, and makes our years of struggles worthwhile. This is a big day for Inuit," said Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Acting President, James Eetoolook.

View August 22, 2008 Environment Canada press release
View Environment Canada backgrounder, Three New National Wildlife Areas Protect Key Habitat in Nunavut
View August 22, 2008 Nature Canada press release
View August 22, 2008 CPAWS press release
View August 22, 2008 WWF Canada press release

Sources: Environment Canada, Nature Canada, WWF Canada
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