Manitoba Wildlands  
Looming Ecological 'Credit Crunch': WWF 05 November 08

Living Planet coverOver consumption of "natural capital" is leading the Earth towards an ecological credit crisis. A new report says we are exceeding the Earth's carrying capacity by about 30 percent, with clear economic impacts on food, water and energy.

The Living Planet Report 2008 is a bi-annual study that measures the ecological footprint of human demand on natural resources and assesses the Earth's ability to remain a "living planet". The report is a joint effort by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Zoological Society, and the Global Footprint Network.

"If our demands on the planet continue to increase at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we would need the equivalent of two planets to maintain our lifestyles," said WWF International Director-General James Leape.

USA and China have the largest national footprints, together accounting for about 40 percent of the global footprint. The water footprint is a new addition to the report, which examines the hidden economic cost of water consumption. Canada has the 12th largest water footprint with the average Canadian consuming more than two million liters of water annually.

View WWF Living Planet Report 2008 (PDF)
View WWF - Canada press release
Visit WWF - International
View October 29, 2008 CBC article
View October 28, 2008 AFP article
View October 30, 2008 Forbes article
View October 29, 2008 CTV article
View October 28, 2008 Globe and Mail article

Sources: WWF, CBC, AFP, Forbes, CTV, News 24
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