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Hope for Progress on Climate Change 21 November 08

US smokestackPresident-elect Barack Obama spoke to not only the more than 600 climate change leaders from around the world on the eve of the Los Angeles Global Climate Summit, he spoke to the world in his 4-minute video address.

The video and the commitments Barack Obama makes creates a new energy and provides hope the world can make progress on meeting challenges of climate change during the upcoming global negotiations next month.

World leaders will gather in Poznan, Poland December 1st-12th, 2008 for annual UN meetings under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes and the Kyoto Protocol.

President-Elect Obama repeated his previous promises to place a hard cap on greenhouse gas emissions and to establish emissions reductions targets, stating unequivocally the US will reduce emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

He spoke directly to delegates who will be gathering in Poland, "Let me also say a special word to delegates from around the world who will gather in Poland next month: your work is vital to the planet," he said. "While I won't be President at the time of your meeting and while the United States has only one President at a time, I've asked members of Congress who are attending the conference as observers to report back to me on what they learn there."

View November 18, 2008 News/Blog entry from Barack Obama's website and watch video
View YouTube video from US President-Elect Barack Obama, A New Chapter on Climate Change
View November 19, 2008 New York Times article
View November 19, 2008 ClimateWire article
View November 19, 2008 Los Angeles Times article

Sources: New York Times, YouTube, Office of the President-Elect
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