Manitoba Wildlands  
Energy Champions to Lead Conservation 21 November 08

Ontario EnergyOntario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer released his annual report early in November with recommendations to appoint more energy conservation "champions". His intent is to encourage broader energy conservation leadership across the province.

Peter Love, Ontario CECO, released "Be the change to a culture of conservation" that recommends businesses, health care and academic institutions throughout Ontario appoint an Energy Conservation Officer to champion energy conservation efforts.

Ontario faces some of the toughest energy savings targets in North America. In an effort to reduce Ontario's peak consumption by 6,350 megawatts by 2025, Love is working to engage Ontarians in conserving energy.

The report echo's his 2007 recommendation to have Municipal Energy Conservation Officers (MECO's) in every Ontario community. MECO's are already at work in cities like Toronto and Hamilton, Love recommends 12 additional cities need energy champions.

View 2008 Chief Energy Conservation Officer's Annual Report (PDF)
View "Be the Change to a Culture of Conservation" Notes for Remarks by Peter Love, Ontario Power Authority to the Ontario Energy Network (PDF)
View November 5, 2008 Toronto Star article
View November 5, 2008 CECO Annual Report: Health Care, Academic Institutions and Leading Businesses Should Appoint Conservation Champions
View November 5, 2008 London Health Sciences Centre Energy Conservation Officer Reference in CECO Annual report

Source: Ontario Power Authority Conservation Bureau, Toronto Star, CNW Group, Environmental Communications Options
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