Manitoba Wildlands  
Pre-Copenhagen Climate Declaration Signed 04 December 08

US smokestackRegional leaders from the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and India recently signed a declaration that calls on states and provinces to strengthen their cooperative efforts for strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The declaration, issued by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for action before the next global agreement on climate change is reached. The declaration commits signers to the exchanged of incentive programs, best practices, adaptation strategies and technology transfer.

The nonbinding declaration establishes a framework for negotiators at the current United Nation talks toward a new climate treaty being held in Poznan, Poland. The next international climate agreement will be negotiated and signed in Copenhagen December 2009.

The declaration sets in motion various workgroups to develop sector specific policy positions on industries producing the most greenhouse gases - forestry, agriculture, cement, transportation, energy, iron and aluminum.

View November 19, 2008 California Office of the Governor press release & declaration
View November 20, 2008 Los Angeles Times article
View November 19, 2008 Reuters article
View November 19, 2008 China View article
View November 19, 2008 Associated Press article

Sources: Office of the Governor - State of California, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, China View, Associated Press
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