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Climate Fossil Awards for Canada 08 December 08

Fossil of the day logoDuring international climate talks in Poznan, Poland, Canada was given an unprecedented four "Fossil of the Day" awards by the international community Thursday, December 4, 2008.

The awards are given to governments taking positions that stall or block the progress of climate negotiations. At the climate talks, the Canadian delegation has failed to take a constructive approach to negotiations.

Canada tied for first place with Japan and Russia in failing to support deep reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases. Reductions of at least 25-40% are needed by 2020, in order to avoid dangerous global warming.

For the second Fossil of the Day Award, Canada received two shame awards. Canada's negotiators argued the country should get a break on its emissions targets, because the tar sands release a lot of carbon. Canada also insisted rich countries should get special treatment for "welfare loss" - the "hardship" of using smaller cars, or public transit.

"The tar sands should not be exempted from targets for reductions," said Stephen Hazell, Sierra Club Executive Director.

Canada picked up a third award for arguing that special "national circumstances" (i.e., Canada is cold and big) are the reason for Canada being 29% above its Kyoto target. Other cold countries such as Sweden have been able to meet their Kyoto targets.

View December 4, 2008 Sierra Club Canada press release
View Fossil of the Day Awards

Source: Sierra Club Canada
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