Manitoba Wildlands  
CPAWS Supports Green Forestry Industry 26 January 09

CPAWS logo imageThe Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) supports the Canadian government investing in the forestry industry. The conservation group hopes to see the industry become a leader in a green strategy towards a new economy.

CPAWS suggests the Canadian government invest in green power, pointing towards waste produced by pulp and paper mills as a potential source of biomass. Electricity and heat produced by the biomass could power mills and turn them into net contributors to the grid. Ontario Power Generation is already aiming to convert coal power plants to burn biomass derived from forest waste.

In a growing green market place Canada could give forest companies the opportunity to prove their operations are sustainable. CPAWS clearly cautions against any initiatives to burn Forests for fuel or energy. CPAWS also encourages the government to conserve critical habitats for endangered species like the woodland caribou within forestry tenures.

View December 23, 2008 Toronto Star article
View December 29, 2008 CPAWS press release
View January 21, 2009 Canadian Press article
View January 21, 2009 NewsWire article

Sources: Toronto Star, CPAWS, Canadian Press, NewsWire
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