Manitoba Wildlands  
Woodland Caribou Habitat Needs Protection 27 April 09

CaribouEnvironment Canada has released a groundbreaking report that highlights the importance of protecting large areas of Boreal forest to satisfy the habitat needs of Canada's ionic woodland caribou species.

The report, The Identification of Critical Habitat for Woodland Caribou was commissioned under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). The report says woodland caribou are in worse trouble than previously thought, and unless Canada adopts a new approach to protecting caribou habitat, caribou will become extinct by the end of this century.

"The science shows we need to protect at least half of the carbon-rich Boreal forest if we are to ensure the caribou's long-term survival and slow the effects of climate change." says Aran O'Carroll, National Manager, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, CPAWS.

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is calling on the Ontario government to revise its 'clear cutting for caribou' approach and immediately halt all development in the boreal until the province finalizes its plan for woodland caribou.

View SARA report, Scientific Review for the Identification of Critical Habitat for Woodland Caribou, Boreal Population in Canada (see public comments option)
View April 9, 2009 News Wire article
View April 9, 2009 CPAWS article
View April 9, 2009 article
View April 9, 2009 Boreal Canada article
View April 23, 2009 Fast Forward Weekly article
Visit Caribou and You, CPAWS

Sources: Government of Canada, News Wire, CPAWS,
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