Manitoba Wildlands  
West Virginian Wins Goldman Award 07 May 09

goldman prizeMaria Gunnoe's work to stop the devastating practice of mountaintop removal coal mining has shut down mines and led to stricter regulations. Now Maria Gunnoe is among the 2009 recipients of the Goldman Environmental Prize.

A born-and-bred West Virginian, Gunnoe has worked with the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, as well as Sierra Club's Environmental Law and Environmental Justice programs, to stop a mining practice that devastates communities and natural resources. As she says in a Goldman video, "When you flip a switch on, there's a 52% chance that you're destroying the water, air, and land where I live."

Other 2009 Goldman Prize winners hail from Gabon, Suriname, Bangladesh, Russia, and Indonesia. Each receives $150,000 to pursue his or her vision of a renewed and protected environment.

View Maria Gunnoe biography
View Sierra Club US program to stop mountain top removal
View all 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize winners

Sources: Sierra Club, Goldman Prize
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014