Manitoba Wildlands  
Ontario and Quebec Cap-and-Trade System 25 June 09

Ont imageOntario and Quebec governments have introduced harmonized legislation that allows the provinces to work together to implement a cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Ontario and Quebec have moved ahead to put their own framework in place before a price is set for carbon. A Quebec-Ontario regional system is expected to be in place by 2012.

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty did not provide details about the system, who would be targeted, or how tax payers would be affected. Ontario has released a discussion paper that provides some options and asks for feedback.

The proposed trading system would put a limit on GHG emission and allow participants to buy and sell emission permits within that cap. British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec and Ontario, along with seven American states, are part of the Western Climate Initiative, which is aiming to set up a regional cap-and-trade system by 2012.

View May 27, 2009 CTV article
View June 2, 2009 CBC article
View May 28, 2009 The Green Pages article
View Discussion Paper: A Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System for Ontario (PDF)
View Environmental Registry - Policy Proposal Notice for a Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System for Ontario

Sources: CTV, CBC
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