Manitoba Wildlands  
Happy Planet Index Released 21 July 09

Happy Planet Index coverA new report – The Happy Planet Index 2.0: Why good lives don't have to cost the Earth shows it is possible to live long, happy lives with much smaller ecological footprints.

The Happy Planet Index from New Economics Foundation is an innovative global ranking system that combines environmental impact with well-being. The report shows an increasing trend in ecological footprint per person of 72 percent over the last 45 years, for the world's most developed nations.

Costa Rica topped the list of 143 nations surveyed for being the 'greenest and happiest' country. No one country achieved all three goals of: high life satisfaction, high life expectancy, and 'one-planet living' – consuming its fair share of the Earth's natural resources.

Overall China ranked 20th, UK 74th, Canada 89th, and the USA at 114th out of 143 countries. According to the report Canada had one of the highest scores in the measure of life satisfaction and life expectancy or 'happy life years'.

View The 'Un'happy Planet Index 2.0 (PDF)
View New Economics Foundation press release
View Happy Planet Index – Costa Rica Tops
Visit Happy Planet Index
View July 6, 2009 The New York Times Economix blog article
View July 7, 2009 The Guardian article
View July 7, 2009 EcoWorldly article

Sources: New Economics Foundation, The Happy Planet Index 2.0
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014