Manitoba Wildlands  
Wind Turbines Cause Health Risks 07 August 09

Wind TurbinesNew research exposes the health risks of wind energy turbines including heart disease, vertigo, panic attacks, migraines, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation.

Dr. Nina Pierpont, a leading New York pediatrician, studied 10 families living near wind farms. Most of the individuals developed a range of health illnesses, labeled as Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS). Dr. Pierpont's full thesis is to be published in October.

The research found that low-frequency noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines affect human vestibular system or ear bones, which are responsible for balance and spatial orientation. Dr. Pierpont recommends a minimum distance of 2 km between wind turbines and residences.

Previous research and acoustic engineers working for the wind industry have denied health risks. Governments in Denmark, Germany and France are moving towards building off-shore wind farms in response to concerns over potential health risks.

View Wind Turbine Syndrome
View Wind Turbine Syndrome for Non-Clinicians - Draft Copy (PDF)
View August 2, 2009 The Independent article
View August 3, 2009 Reuters article
View August 4, 2009 Business Green article

Sources: The Independent, Reuters
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