New research exposes the health risks of wind energy turbines including heart disease, vertigo, panic attacks, migraines, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation.
Dr. Nina Pierpont, a leading New York pediatrician, studied 10 families living near wind farms. Most of the individuals developed a range of health illnesses, labeled as Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS). Dr. Pierpont's full thesis is to be published in October.
The research found that low-frequency noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines affect human vestibular system or ear bones, which are responsible for balance and spatial orientation. Dr. Pierpont recommends a minimum distance of 2 km between wind turbines and residences.
Previous research and acoustic engineers working for the wind industry have denied health risks. Governments in Denmark, Germany and France are moving towards building off-shore wind farms in response to concerns over potential health risks.
View Wind Turbine Syndrome
View Wind Turbine Syndrome for Non-Clinicians - Draft Copy (PDF)
View August 2, 2009 The Independent article
View August 3, 2009 Reuters article
View August 4, 2009 Business Green article
Sources: The Independent, Reuters |