Manitoba Wildlands  
US Tribes Pass Hydro Resolutions 10 November 09

NCAI logoIn the past two months, both the National Congress of American Indians and the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council have passed resolutions calling on the Congress of the United States and Wisconsin, respectively, to recognize and address the environmental impacts of Manitoba Hydro.

At the 66th Annual Convention of National Congress of American Indians, it was resolved to call on the United States Congress to not benefit large foreign hydro utilities under federal Renewable Energy Standards until such projects have met the approval of National Environmental Policy Act.

Similarly, on September 4th 2009, the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council passed a resolution calling on the Wisconsin Legislature to enact language related to Manitoba Hydro to ensure that the environmental effects of Manitoba Hydro projects are recognized and addressed.

View 2009 Great Lakes InterTribal resolution, Supporting Recommendations of the Government's Task force on Global Warming (PDF)
Visit Great Lakes InterTribal website
View National Congress of American Indians resolution, Supporting Similar Environmental Requirements for Foreign Hydro Power Under the Federal Renewable Energy Standard (PDF)
Visit National Congress of American Indians website

Sources: Great Lakes InterTribal, National Congress of American Indians
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