Manitoba Wildlands  
Environmental Laws in Oilsands Need Enforcement 7 December 09

Watered Down report coverA new report, Watered Down: Overcoming Federal Inaction on the Impact of Oil Sands Development to Water Resources, urges the Canadian Government to enforce environmental laws and regulations in the oilsands, and to set new pollution standards for oilsands development.

Produced with the support of The Pembina Institute, Keepers of Athabasca, Environmental Defence, Sierra Club and many more, this report contains scientific, non-governmental and First Nations communites' content presented at federal hearings earlier in 2009 about impacts on Canada's water resources from oil sands activity.

The oilsands pollute freshwater sources for people along the Athebascan River and its tributaries from Fort Chipewyan all the way up to Yellowknife and the Arctic Ocean. This pollution has the potential to contaminate the entire Mackenzie River Basin. The report indicates 10 areas where Canada's Government has failed to: enforce water diversion standards; regulate toxic pollution; prosecute leaking tailing ponds; and also failed to implement oilsands specific legislation.

Watered Down recommends that the Government of Canada use its legislative responsibility to regulate the oilsands industry, especially its impacts on freshwater resources and aquatic ecosystems.

View October 2009 Watered Down report (PDF)
View November 23, 2009 Water Matters press release
View November 23, 2009 Water Matters full story
View November 24, 2009 CBC News press release

Sources: CBC, Water Matters
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014