Manitoba Wildlands  
Selinger and Blaikie Attend Copenhagen 4 January 10

Manitoba globePremier Selinger and conservation/climate change Minister Blaikie travelled to Copenhagen with staff to attend events during the UN Copenhagen Conference of the Parties climate negotiations. They attended the Climate Leaders Summit, a side event sponsored by the Climate Group. Manitoba's government is a founding member of the Climate Group.

Many sub national leaders from states, cities, and provinces around the world were in Copenhagen during the UN Climate Summit. These leaders were there to encourage country leaders to reach agreement on climate change, while also seeking recognition of their own climate change actions.

While in Copenhagen Premier Selinger committed Manitoba to legislation to create a cap and trade system to reduce ghg emissions in Manitoba, based on consultations during 2010. He also signed a memorandum of understanding with South Australia to share expertise on flooding, droughts, and ecological good and services for future climate change actions.

View December 11, 2009 Manitoba Government press release
View December 15, 2009 Manitoba Government press release
View December 15, 2009 Manitoba Government press release
View December 16, 2009 Manitoba Government press release

Source: Manitoba Government
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