Manitoba Wildlands  
Pesticide Removed from Market to Save Bees 11 January 10

Movento logo and beeThe pesticide Movento (spirotetramat) has been pulled off the U.S. market . Used on fruits and vegetable crops throughout North America, it is killing the depleting population of North American Honeybees, a species responsible for pollination of crops worth $15 billion annually.

Movento was released onto the market in 2008. It is distributed by the plant along its entirety, killing pests where they live and feed. It targets immature insects through females by reducing ability to produce offspring and reducing chances of offspring survival.

A lawsuit was filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Xerces Society to have the product pulled from the market after beekeepers had a record low year in bee numbers. Movento had been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) without public comment (as required) and without evaluation of damage it could do to bee populations and economic, environmental and social impacts of bee decline.

US District Judge Denise Cote agreed with NRDC and has ordered that EPA reevaluate the chemical. As of January 15, 2010 it will be illegal to sell the chemical in the US. Movento is still available in Canada.

View January 4, 2010 Environmental News Service press release
View Bayer CropScience Product information
View December 29, 2009 Natural Resources Defense Council press release

Sources: Bayer Crop Science, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental News Service
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