Manitoba Wildlands  
Clean Electricity for British Columbia 13 January 10

Transmission LinesEnvironmental organizations in British Columbia are pushing for new clean electricity standards. The David Suzuki Foundation, Pembina Institute, Watershed Watch Salmon Society and the West Coast Environmental Law recently released Recommendations for Responsible Clean Electricity Development in British Columbia. It includes recommendations for planning and development of clean electricity that is transparent and beneficial to the public and the environment.

As a climate conscious province, British Columbians support clean energy development but are concerned with how it is developed. Key recommendations from this report include:

  • Ensuring energy conservation and efficiency is the highest propriety
  • British Columbia's electricity supply needs to be as clean, renewable and low impact as possible
  • Adopting a renewable electricity planning framework
  • Reforming water licensing, land leasing and governance
  • Strengthening environmental assessment process
  • Developing an informed consensus about export of renewable electricity from British Columbia.

These recommendations come heavily endorsed by other environmental organizations.

View December 17, 2009 David Suzuki Foundation press release
View Recommendations for Responsible Clean Electricity Development in British Columbia (PDF)

Sources: David Suzuki Foundation, The Pembina Institute: Sustainable Energy Solutions
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