Manitoba Wildlands  
Another Location for Tim Horton's Camp 24 February 10

Tim Hortons logoThe Manitoba government held an open house February 16th and 17th for a Tim Horton Children's Foundation youth camp location on Whiteshell's Sylvia Lake, opposite Pinawa, Manitoba.

This is the second possible location for the $10-million camp. In October 2009, a proposal to build the facility at Meditation Lake was scrapped after concerns that the lake could not support the intensive development the camp would require. The new year-round camp would include facilities to host up to 260 children, and would be "environmentally friendly," according to organizers. Summer use would involve bringing Tim Horton's camp leaders in from around north America.

There are some who argue this development is not environmentally sound; "This discussion again comes down to our parks, and how we want to preserve them." said Eric Reder, Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee. "Does the Whiteshell need more forest bulldozed for development?"

The Wilderness Committee is currently calling on the Manitoba government to complete a park management plan update of Whiteshell Provincial Park before allowing this or any development to proceed.

View Information Boards for Tim Horton's Children's Foundation Youth Leadership Camp at Sylvia Lake
View January 27, 2010 CBC article
View January 27, 2010 Winnipeg Free Press article
View January 27, 2010 Wilderness Committee press release (PDF)
View CPAWS article

Source: Winnipeg Free Press, The Wilderness Committee
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