Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Sustainability Report Due 10 March 10

MB Sustainability Report coverThe 2010 Sustainability Report for Manitoba is due, as required under The Sustainable Development Act. This report is to provide Manitobans with current information on important sustainability issues and trends. It is a way of monitoring Manitoba's environmental sustainability by tracking and interpreting key indicators.

By reporting on these indicators, government can assist Manitobans in being informed and encourage them to participate in the long-term strategies for sustainability in Manitoba.

The Act requires a report every five years, the last one was released in the first half of 2005. The 2010 report will potentially indicate where data sources have improved, and allow comparison to report contents five years before.

"Manitoba's sustainable development principles and guidelines are frequently being ignored in planning and licensing. Also data sources need to be strengthened in order to provide clear ongoing status reports for Manitoban about our environment, and our communities. We hope the 2010 report is already moving through peer review, and will be released soon," Gaile Whelan Enns, director of Manitoba Wildlands.

View 2005 Provincial Sustainability Report for Manitoba
View Manitoba Sustainable Development Act

Source: Manitoba Conservation
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014