Manitoba Wildlands  
Union of BC Indian Chiefs Opposes Sun Peaks Inc. 15 March 10

UBCIC logoNeskonlith Indian Band's Chief Judy Wilson and Adams Lake Indian Band's Chief Nelson Leon have voiced their communities' alarm over lack of meaningful consultation in the face of the accelerated rate of community consultations with non-Native residents to incorporate Sun Peaks Resort as a municipal government.

"The Union of BC Indian Chiefs fully supports the efforts of Chief Wilson and Chief Leon to ensure the rights of their respective communities are recognized, respected and protected," stated Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. "What started as a recreational tenure for a local ski hill, has turned into a massive four-season high-density resort which now desires to incorporate as a municipality."

In 2007, the UBCIC Chiefs Council passed Resolution 2007-21 which noted efforts in Chief Wilson and Chief Leon to respond to the Sun Peaks Incorporation Study Committee. Specifically, they stated their communities' opposition to the municipal incorporation and to the proposed Ministry of Forests' road construction to Sun Peaks Resort until their Aboriginal Title and Rights were addressed and their interests fully reconciled.

Grand Chief Phillip added, "The Union of BC Indian Chiefs fully supports meaningful consultation that respects Aboriginal Title and Rights and not a process where the economic or commercial interests of the privileged few trump ecological values and constitutionally protected Indigenous Title and Rights."

View February 4, 2010 Union of BC Indian Chiefs news release
View February 6, 2010 Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources article

Source: Indigenous Peoples
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