Manitoba Wildlands  
Alberta Grizzly Bear Hunt On Hold 24 March 10

grizzly bearFebruary 2010, Alberta's government released, Grizzly Bear Status Report, Update 2010. The report estimates there are only 691 grizzly bears in the province, a number far below regional and national thresholds.

Grizzly bear mortality in Alberta has been primarily from licensed hunting, illegal kills, and self-defense kills (more common as humans encroach into bear territory). Alberta implemented a grizzly bear recovery program March 2008 to protect the threatened species.

Wildlife species status is reviewed every 5 years in Alberta with priority to 'at risk' species. Alberta's Endangered Species Conservation Committee (ESCC) will evaluate the status report, and grizzly bear status will be updated based on their recommendations. The national Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife (COSEWIC), lists the northwestern grizzly bear population in Alberta as Threatened.

In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta the prairie grizzly bear population is listed as Extirpated (no longer exists in that region), and as a species of Special Concern across Canada. Grizzly bears are Threatened in the United States.

View 2010 CPAWS article
View February 2010 Alberta Conservation Association Grizzly Bear report (PDF)
View July 2008 Alberta Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan (PDF)
View COSEWIC Species Listing
View SARA Species Profile
View Sierra Club Canada's Action Grizzly Bear campaign

Source: Alberta Government
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014