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110 Nations Back Copenhagen Accord 31 March 10

Earth plantThe number of nations signing onto the non-binding Copenhagen Accord for fighting global warming has risen to about 110 and includes all major greenhouse gas emitters, according to Reuters.

The accord, reached at the December 2009 summit, sets a goal of limiting a rise in temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6° F), but does not say how to achieve the goal. Rich nations also aim to give $100 billion a year in climate aid from 2020.

Major emitters -- led by China, the United States, the European Union, Russia and India -- all back the deal. Russia has given verbal support even though a U.N. website has not registered a formal letter of backing.

More than 60 countries have also submitted domestic goals for reining in climate change by 2020 under the Copenhagen Accord. A U.N. analysis indicates these pledges will only be sufficient to limit global warming to 3 degrees Celsius (5.4° F).

Requirements for emissions reduction continue through 2012 under the Kyoto Protocol.

View March 19, 2010 Reuters article
View United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change website
View List of Parties Signed onto Copenhagen Accord
View March 29, 2010 Center for American Progress

Source: Reuters
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