Manitoba Wildlands  
U.N. Meeting Rejects Shark Protections 14 April 10

SharkReversing an earlier decision, the United Nations has rejected a proposal to regulate trade in declining stocks of sharks, dismissing protections for any of the shark species proposed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

The reversal dashes hopes of protecting at least one shark breed, after nations voted earlier this week to reject protections on hammerheads, among other species.

The victory is another in a long string of successes for Japan. Beyond blocking shark protections, the country successfully defeated proposed bans on bluefin tuna and protections on several species of coral.

"Japan clearly mobilized massive efforts to keep fisheries out of CITES," said Mark W. Roberts, senior counsel and policy adviser for the watchdog group Environmental Investigation Agency.

Canada voted with Japan at the CITES meeting.

View CITES website
View March 26, 2010 Earth News article
View March 23, 2010 New York Times article
View March 16, 2010 Earth News article

Source: EarthPortal
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