Manitoba Wildlands  
Bears and Foxes Die in Oil Sands 14 April 10

Fox and bearDocuments released through a Freedom of Information request show a variety of wildlife, including dozens of black bears, deer and red foxes, were killed in Alberta oil sands developments over an eight-year period.

At least 164 animals were killed in the Syncrude, Suncor and Shell Canada Albian Sands, according to information given to Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.

Possible reasons for death include euthanasia of problem wildlife, drowning or oiling from tailings, vehicle crashes and electrocution.

The documents show 27 black bears, 31 foxes, 21 coyotes and dozens of deer were killed, along with moose, muskrats, beavers, voles, martens, wolves and bats. Environmental critics are sure the number of animals that die in oil sands incidents is much higher.

"The self-policing system that allows industry to report on itself is flawed," states Mike Hudema of Greenpeace. "The Stelmach government should focus on beefing up its environmental enforcement and monitoring budget rather than putting cash into public relations campaigns."

Oilsands giant Syncrude is currently on trial, charged by the federal and provincial governments, for failing to prevent waterfowl from landing on a oil sands tailings pond.

View April 8, CTV article
View April 9, 2010 Calgary Herald article
View April 9, 2010 Sierra Club article

Source: Calgary Herald
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