Manitoba Wildlands  
Toronto Cuts Idling Limit to 1 Minute 19 May 10

car exhaustToronto has moved to toughen its idling bylaw, slapping motorists with a $125 ticket if they are caught with engines running for more than a minute. Currently, the fine applies to anyone who idles for more than three minutes. The changes approved by the Toronto Board of Health includes parking enforcement officers being given the power to ticket idlers.

A report presented to theToronto Board of Health estimates idling wastes 90-million litres of fuel a year in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), which suggests over 105 million tonnes of CO2 are released while vehicles idle, every year.

"It should be an easy win to get rid of idling," states Dr. McKeown, who said emissions from motor vehicles are responsible for 440 premature deaths, and 1,700 hospitalizations.

The Board of Health also voted to limit exemptions to the bylaw, making it less likely for transit vehicles to idle, and eliminating exemptions for extreme temperatures. Currently, transit buses are allowed to idle for 15 minutes. Police, fire and ambulance are exempt when idling is not "substantially" for convenience.

View May 4, 2010 National Post article
View City of Toronto's Current Idling Control By-law
View April 26, 2010 Toronto Star article

Source: The National Post, Toronto Star
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