Manitoba Wildlands  
Canadian Provinces Score No Better Than C+ 28 May 10

Earth with maple leafFor the second year in a row Manitoba has received an F on the Corporate Knights 2010 Green Provincial Report (Report Card). With a dismal percentile score of 45.53%, only Alberta (43.58%) and Newfoundland (37.95%) ranked lower.

Overall the territories ranked at the top of the class with the North West Territories receiving a C+ (66.53%), Nunavut a C (64.18%) and Yukon also a C (60.5%). British Columbia led the provinces with a grade of a C (60.10%).

The Report Card presents a comprehensive eco-grading for Canada's provinces and territories, based on Government of Canada web sites and reports, and data from surveys carried out by independent environmental organizations including Friends of the Earth, Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, Ecojustice, and the Canadian Cancer Society.

The Report Card considers environmental performance across ten equally weighted categories, including greenhouse gases, organic food, green energy, cancer rates, water use, biodiversity and car dependency. This year, the report examines new indicators, such as number of endangered species and asthma rates. Data sources for existing indicators are improved based on feedback from last year's report.

View The 2010 Report Card methodology

Source: Corporate Knights
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