Manitoba Wildlands  
First Nations Demand Canada Protect Woodland Caribou 28 July 10

caribouOn July 15th, 2010, four Alberta First Nations communities - Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Enoch Cree Nation, Chipewyan Prairie Dene First Nation and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation - have called on Canada's Minister of the Environment to issue an emergency order to protect the Woodland Caribou in Alberta from further industrial development.

The coalition of First Nations states the situation is dire. The government of Canada failed to issue a recovery plan for Woodland Caribou by it's own mandated deadline of three years ago, and most of Alberta's Woodland Caribou populations are in decline.

Recent research showing two specific caribou groups face extinction within 10 to 15 years time prompted a coalition of four First Nations to urge Jim Prentice and Environment Canada to take immediate action to protect the caribou, or else face legal action.

The letter, produced by Woodward and Co, to Environment Minister Prentice states:
"... You have 45 days from the date of this letter to comply with your mandatory statutory duties under s. 80(2) of the Species at Risk Act, by recommending to the federal Cabinet that it make an emergency order to protect woodland caribou and their habitat from any further industrial development in the full ranges of the remaining herds in northeastern Alberta (or in a wider area)."

Should Environment Canada fail to issue the emergency protection, the First Nations will seek a court order forcing the Canadian government to protect the endangered Woodland Caribou.

"We are calling on government to immediately halt the destruction of our lands, lands that sustain our caribou and our people. It is difficult for me to express the anger I feel at the loss of this noble animal in our territory. Our traditional land is dwindling. We need habitat for our animals to ensure there is a healthy surplus. These animals sustain us and, as they die, our future becomes uncertain. We must act now to take care of Mother Earth," states Al Lameman, Chief of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation.

View July 15, 2010 Letter to Jim Prentice regarding petition for emergency order to protect woodland caribou (PDF)
View July 5th, 2010 Dr. Stan Boutin's report (PDF)
View July 17th, 2010 Indigenous Peoples article
View July 18th, 2010 Digital Journal article
View July 26, 2010 CBC News article
View more information on this topic
View September 8, 2010 CBC News article

Source: Digital Journal
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