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TransCanada Keystone Pipeline Nebraska Problems 7 September 10

pipelineNebraska Sierra Club and Bold Nebraska are calling on Nebraska elected officials to stand up for Nebraska landowners against threats by TransCanada pipeline company to use eminent domain to condemn individuals' private land.

"Nebraska elected officials should stand up for the people they represent and not allow them to be threatened and overrun by a foreign owned company that does not even have approval to go forward with the pipeline," said Ken Winston, Nebraska Sierra Club lobbyist. "The pipeline project hasn't yet been approved, but TransCanada is already telling Nebraska landowners they will condemn their land if they don't go along with them."

The Nebraska Sierra Club and Bold Nebraska are calling upon elected officials to take the following actions:
  • Stand up to TransCanada on behalf of people they represent and tell them to cease threats to use eminent domain.
  • The Nebraska Legislature needs to change laws related to eminent domain so foreign pipeline companies cannot use this procedure against Nebraska landowners wihtout safeguards to protect their rights.
  • Federal representatives should recommend the State Department deny the permit, or suspend the project, based on TransCanada's treatment of Nebraska landowners.

Nebraskan groups and landowners are raising concern regarding potential impacts of the construction and operation of the Keystone XL Pipeline through their state. Their main concerns are leaks and spills impacting aquifers, which supply 85% of Nebraska with clean water.

View May 13, 2010 New Nebraska Network article
View August 27, 2010 Dirty Oil Sands article
Sign Online Nebraska Petition to Stop the TransCanada Pipeline
View Sierra Club Nebraska informatio page on Keystone XL pipeline
View Bold Nebraska TransCanada Pipeline webpage
View September 15, 2010 Reuters article

Source: Nebraska Sierra Club, New Nebraska Network
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