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Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples Anniversary Marked 29 September 10

Canadian Treaty Medal The United Nations (UN) Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples celebrated its third anniversary September 13th, 2010. Indigenous peoples and civil society marked the anniversary by urging the Government of Canada to move ahead with signing the Declaration for Canada.

Canada's federal government committed to endorsing the UN Declaration in the Speech from the Throne delivered in March 2010. These intentions were confirmed to the international community at the April 2010 United Nations Permanent Forum on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. No formal steps have been taken.

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo commented on the third anniversary of the Declaration.

"The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a landmark achievement by the more than 370 million Indigenous peoples around the globe and the members of the United Nations General Assembly that voted in favour of its adoption."

" The National Chief adds: "Canada's full endorsement of the UN Declaration will be important as the beginning of a new era where we work together as true partners to chart a new approach, new laws, policies and practices and a new path forward that strengthens First Nations citizens, governments and nations.

View September 13, 2010 Assembly of First Nations article
View United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
View September 13, 2010 Indigenous Peoples article
View September 13, 2010 Indigenous Peoples article
View September 13, 2010 Canadian News Wire article
Source: Assembly of First Nations
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