Manitoba Wildlands  
Bio-Piracy Protocol Adopted 5 November 10

DNA The 10th International Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan, October 18-29, 2010 adopted a new legally binding agreement to combat biopiracy with rules for sharing benefits from resources (The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization).

An agreement came at the last minute October 30 after Ryu Matsumoto, Japan's environment minister, intervened. China and India wanted to nationalize genetic resources within their boundaries. The European Union, Canada, Australia -- which have large pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries -- resisted attempts to include products like biochemicals from plants and other species in the Protocol. The Nagoya Protocol requires ratification by each of the 193 government signatories.

Canada was criticized for seeking to exclude two provisions drafted for benefit of indigenous people: a reference to the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP); and an affirmation that "...the rights indigenous and local communities have now or may have in the future," would not be diminished.

This prompted Canada's National Chief Shawn Atleo to write Canadian Environment Minister, Jim Prentice a letter.

"First Nations firmly support the inclusion of references to United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People, as well as a non-derogation clause," wrote Chief Atleo. Ultimately both provisions survived, but the non-derogation clause was weakened.

"The Protocol gets indigenous people to a place where we can talk directly to nation states about our existing rights regarding genetic resources and value of traditional knowledge in the use of those resources," said Preston Hardison, a treaty rights expert with the Tulalip Tribes in Washington State, USA.

View October 17, 2010 Convention On Biological Diversity report (PDF)
View October 21, 2010 Letter from Chief Atleo to Minister Prentice (PDF)
View October 29, 2010 United Nations Nagoya Protocol On Access To Genetic Resources (DOC)
View October 29, 2010 Environment Canada press release
View October 31, 2010 International Press Service article
View November 1, 2010 United Nations press conference
Source: International Press Service, Convention on Biological Diversity
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