Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba NDP Fails to Deliver Environment Promises 28 February 11

Reality Check logo Manitoba Wildlands has completed a review of the environment promises made by the governing NDP since the 1999 election. The review is based on letters sent to Manitoba Wildlands by the NDP September 4th and September 13th 1999, responses to Manitoba Wildlands pre-election questionnaires in 2003 and 2007, and environment commitments made by the NDP in the 2007 election.

A copy of the letters, questionnaire responses, and commitments can be found on Manitoba Wildlands webpage. Additional environment commitments contained in Hansard, Throne Speeches, and Budget Speeches are not included in this review. A summary of commitments made in Budgets and Throne speeches can also be found on our webpage.

In total 105 promises were identified, with some promises repeated on more than one-occasion. Of the 105 promises:

  • 13 have been fulfilled (12.4%);
  • 18 have been partially fulfilled (17.1%);
  • 70 remain unfulfilled (66.7%);
  • 4 were immeasurable or it was unclear if the promise had been fulfilled (3.8%).

"It's important now, well before the 2011 election, for the NDP to consider steps to improve its record on these environment promises. Manitobans expect better, and opposition parties need to show us their environment platforms", said Manitoba Wildlands Director Gaile Whelan-Enns.

View Review of NDP Environment Promises Since 1999 Chart (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands Reality Check
View Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Budget & Throne Speeches page
Source: Manitoba Wildlands
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