Manitoba Wildlands  
TransCanada Keystone KL Pipeline - US EIS Released 16 April 11

pipeline The US State department is under pressure to delay any approval of the TransCanada pipeline from Alberta to Texas. Citizens across several US states are objecting to 'eminent' domain' disruption of their lands for the pipeline, which is a taking up similar to expropriation in Canada. The first environmental impact statement (EIS) for the pipeline in the US was rejected by citizen groups, members of Congress. The US Environmental Protection Agency gave the initial environmental statements its worst rating. The US State department indicated it would solve the deficiencies in the EIS.

On April 15, 2011 The U.S. State Department released a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry polluting oil from Canada across six U.S. states to refineries in Texas.

Friends of the Earth US campaigner Alex Moore said, "The American public is still not getting a complete picture of the many serious dangers that this mega-pipeline would pose.

On first reading, we are concerned that the State Department has still not done a serious and thorough analysis of significant dangers, including the safety of tar sands oil pipelines and the pollution caused by tar sands oil production." The draft EIS does acknowledge that oil from Alberta has far more greenhouse gas emissions.

The usual period for public comments has been shortened, and no public hearings are included in the review, at this time.

Thirty two groups wrote Secretary of State Hilary Clinton a letter in early April with expectations of thorough public comments period and public hearings.

The pipeline involves approximately 1,711 miles of new, 36-inch-diameter pipeline, with approximately 327 miles of the pipeline in Canada, and a transport capacity of 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil. Because the pipeline would cross the Canada-US border it requires a presidential permit, and disclosure of environmental risks and impacts.

View The Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL pipeline (PDF)
View April 4, 2011 Letter to Secretary Clinton regarding comment period and hearings (PDF)
View April 15, 2011 Friends of the Earth US press release
View April 12, 2011 Dirty Oil Sands article
View Dirty Oil Sands website
Sources: US State Department, Friends of the Earth US, Common Dreams, Wall Street Journal
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