Manitoba Wildlands  
Province Funds Victoria Beach Erosion Project 23 May 11

beach The Manitoba government is giving Victoria Beach municipality $100,000 to improve the beachfront through a process call aggradation to create an artificial reef about 100 metres long. It is the first time this process has been tried on the Lake Winnipeg shoreline.

"It is a fabric device that you fill with sand and it amounts to an artificial reef," says Tom Farrell who is the Reeve of the RM of Victoria Beach, who said he learned about this technique searching the internet.

Stuart Juzda, a local resident who is in favour of erosion control, but is worried about the impact on the public beach, remains sceptical of the new technique. "You don't simply do research on the internet to see whether or not it's worth attempting," says. "Rather you actually take a serious look at the project itself before you spend the money."

The municipality is hiring consultants to design and construct the aggradation project, and plan to create a community shoreline advisory committee to hold public meeting on shoreline erosion control structures, beach preservation and related issues. Manitoba Water Stewardship’s Shoreline Erosion Technical Committee will monitor to evaluate the project’s success.

Erosion of the shoreline has become a contentious subject at the resort area, about 100 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg. A controversial proposal to a build a massive rock erosion barrier along the King Edward and Alexander beaches was shelved following public outcry, and replaced with a temporary erosion barrier. The province had to issue a stop-work order against a controversial rock wall being built by a group of cottagers along Arthur Beach, and the matter is now before the Courts.

View April 28, 2011 Winnipeg Free Press article
View April 28, 2011 Government of Manitoba News Release
View April 27, 2011 CBC News article
View April 27, 2011 CTV News article
View Preserving Victoria Beach blog
View Manitoba Wildlands Land Use Planning Reviews page
Source: Government of Manitoba, CTV
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