Manitoba Wildlands  
Lake Winnipeg Regulation Hearings - Schedule? 20 November 11

Lake Winnipeg In 1970 Manitoba Hydro received an interim license to regulate Lake Winnipeg water levels to generate hydro electricity. This is achieved by operating Jenpeg dam, starting in 1976. Lake Winnipeg regulation and the Jen Peg dam are connected to the Churchill River Diversion (CRD), a system of dams and spillways across northern Manitoba. The CRD system has also been managed through interim licences since the 1970's.

In December 2010 Manitoba Hydro requested a final license under Manitoba's Water Power Act for Lake Winnipeg regulation, after 35 years of interim licences.

On July 5th, 2011 the Manitoba government asked the Clean Environment Commission (CEC), a government advisory body, under Manitoba's Environment Act, to review issuance of a final Water Power Act license to Manitoba Hydro. The terms of reference sent to CEC Chair Terry Sargent September 1st, 2011, claim the "Environment Act does not apply to the Lake Winnipeg Regulation project."

View Clean Environment Commission (CEC), "Lake Winnipeg Regulation – Manitoba Hydro" page
View November 2, 2011 Letter from CEC to Manitoba Hydro (PDF)
View October 14, 2011, July 9, 2011 Manitoba Wildlands news items
View Manitoba Wildlands Lake Winnipeg page
Source: Manitoba Clean Environment Commission, CEC, Manitoba Wildlands
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