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Economists Support Occupy Movement 3 December 11

Econ4 logo On November 13th 2011, economists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst drafted an open statement to the Occupy Wall Street movement pledging their support. Since then, more than 300 economists from around the world have added their names.

Acknowledging the current economic crisis, the economists "extend our support to the vision of an economy that works for the people, for the planet and for the future."

Citing that a good, working economy provides basic security, a safety net, services and rights for citizens, the economists say that “economics as an institution did not give sufficient warning, and did not inform the decision making” when the economic crisis hit.

The economists “declare our solidarity with the Occupiers who are exercising our democratic right to demand economic and social justice.”

Signatures from economists around the world continue to be added, with Canadian economists’ names starting to appear on the list.

Watch Econ 4 Introduction video
View December 1, 2011 Common Dreams article
View Economists’ Statement on OWS with Signs-ons
Source: Common Dreams,
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014