Manitoba Wildlands  
Chomiak Says Kyoto Dead in Manitoba 9 December 11

air pollution Manitoba announced it will not fulfil the Climate Change and Emissions Reduction Act, which requires the province to reduce greenhouses gases below its own Kyoto compliant target of 6% below 1990 levels.

When asked what consequences stem from the Government breaking its own law, Conservation Minister Dave Chomiak said, "well first off it's a target, and we've achieved our goals, all that I am saying today is that it looks as though all things considered, where we are right now, we are not going to be able to achieve our 2012 goals. What we will do is re-dedicate ourselves with some new actions and new measures in the new year and proceed from there."

The announcement came as negotiators in Durban, South Africa struggle to achieve a binding international agreement that commits countries to reduce emissions following expiration of the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period in 2012.

"I'm embarrassed," said Gaile Whelan Enns, Manitoba Wildlands director. "I thought I was from a province that was serious about reducing emissions." Manitoba's auditor general reported that Manitoba would not reach its Kyoto targets in her 2010 report.

Manitoba received international acclamation when it enacted the Climate Change and Emissions Reduction Act in 2008, but the law provided no penalties for non-compliance. The law has still not been fully enacted. The Manitoba government passed an Order In Council August 17, 2011, so sections 7, 8, 11, 12 would come into force October 1, 2012, less than three months before Act's 2012 target of 6% below 1990 emissions levels.

Listen December 6, 2011 CBC coverage
View December 6, 2011 CBC article
View December 6, 2011 Winnipeg Free Press coverage
View Manitoba Climate Change and Emissions Reduction Act
View August 17, 2011 Manitoba Order In Council (314/2011) (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Climate Initiatives page
Source: CBC, Government of Manitoba
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