Manitoba Wildlands  
Time for a Tobin Tax? 23 December 11

coins Support for a financial transaction tax (FTT) that could raise several hundred billion in revenue to fight poverty and climate change is gaining momentum.

A Robin Hood Tax or Tobin Tax – named after Nobel Laureate economist James Tobin who proposed the idea in 1971 – is a is a tiny tax (0.03% to 0.05%) that would be levied on all financial market transactions. It would be applied to financial transactions traded through stock exchanges, futures exchanges or any facility established for the purpose of trading ("exchange trading").

Influential champions, including leaders of France and Germany, billionaire philanthropists Bill Gates and George Soros, former Vice President Al Gore, the consumer activist Ralph Nader, Pope Benedict XVI and the archbishop of Canterbury all support the idea. More than 1000 economists signed onto a letter in April 2011, urging G20 member nations to adopt a Tobin Tax.

Supporters tout the idea as a way to fund the unfulfilled Millennium Development Goals and, as of yet, empty Green Climate Fund, while also hampering needless financial speculation that destabilizes economies.

On March 23rd, 1999, the Canadian Parliament demonstrated world leadership when it passed motion M-239 urging Canada to "enact a tax on financial transactions in concert with the international community."

The Canadian motion sparked a global movement in support of controls on speculative capital. The Brazilian Parliament held hearings on the Tobin tax in August, 1999. The European Parliament debated the Tobin tax in January, 2000.

The Canadian government has acted only minimally on both letter and spirit of the motion passed in 1999. Stephen Harper, and the current Canadian government is one of the leading opponents of a Tobin Tax, despite support from other politicians like French President, Nicolas Sarkozy.

View December 16, 2011 Huffington Post article
View December 12, 2011 New York Times article
View December 8, 2011 Economic Times of India article
View November 1, 2011 Archbishop of Cantebury blog
View October 25, 2011 National Union of Public and General Employees
View October 24, 2011 Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace report (PDF)
View April 2010 Halifax Initiative Policy Brief
View March 20, 2000 Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Open Letter to Members of Parliament regarding the Tobin Tax
View June 1996 Canadian Parliamentary Publication
View Oxfam Climate Financing in Durban page
View Robin Hood Tax organization page
Source: Huffington Post, Oxfam, Arcbishop of Cantebury, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
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