Manitoba Wildlands  
Caribou Action Plan Open for Comment 23 December 11

pen writing Feedback and input on draft "Action Plans for Boreal Woodland Caribou Ranges in Manitoba" intended to protect boreal woodland caribou populations in the eastern side of Manitoba can now be provided.

"Boreal woodland caribou are a threatened species, and the Owl-Flintstone and Atikaki-Berens caribou populations are particularly vulnerable," said Chomiak. "We’ve worked with the Eastern Manitoba Woodland Caribou Advisory Committee to develop plans to protect these populations and are now seeking input from the public to make sure these plans are as complete as possible."

The public will have 90 days to comment on the proposal. It is unclear when this 90 period starts or ends, but the announcement was made December 21, 2011.

Following the public comment period, additional discussion will be initiated with First Nations and other stakeholders. The final action plans will be released by the summer of 2012.

"As Manitoba has issued new woodland caribou plans the number of herds on the east side has reduced. It maybe time for an independent assessment of our woodland caribou," said Manitoba Wildlands Director Gaile Whelan Enns.

A Canada wide woodland caribou strategy review under the federal Species At Risk Act (SARA) is also underway with public comments due by February 22, 2012.

View December 2011 Draft: Action Plans for Boreal Woodland Caribou Ranges in Manitoba (PDF)
View December 21, 2011 Government of Manitoba press release
View December 21, 2011 Winnipeg Free Press article
View 2006 Government of Manitoba Conservation and Recovery Strategy for Boreal Woodland Caribou (PDF)
View 2000 Government of Manitoba, Woodland Caribou (Rangifer Tarandus Caribou) Conservation Strategy For Manitoba
View August 25, 2010 Manitoba Wildlands news item
View more on Manitoba Wildlands, Caribou Strategies page
Source: Government of Manitoba
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