Manitoba Wildlands  
CEAA - Keeping Environmental Law Relevant 23 March 12

gavel March 13, after a mandatory five-year review, Canada's House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development released its report on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The report was received with more than raised eyebrows, seen as more public relations messaging than anything else.

"The long and the short of it, the report did not meet any acceptable standard for what a legislative review should look like," said NDP Environment Critic Megan Leslie. "The report you will have before you is a fictitious re-enactment of committee hearings."

Green Party leader, Elizabeth May was scathing, "Pipelines, oil sands development, projects big and small will be rubber-stamped in jig time,"

Both Liberal and New Democratic Party committee members filed minority reports. The committee process was abruptly shortened and many registered presenters were told they would not present to the committee. Public participation in review of environmental law is a core responsibility of the Canadian government under CEAA. Most of the the Standing Committee's report is nothing more than a plan to slash environmental regulations companies need to abide by to get projects built. Projects like the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline.

View March 22, 2012 iPolitics article
View March 21, 2012 Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) article
View March 14, 2012 Huffington Post article
View Statutory Review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
View Dissenting Report from the Official Opposition New Democratic Party on the Seven-year review of CEAA.
View Dissenting Opinion by the Liberal Party of Canada on the Report of the Statutory Review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA)
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014