Manitoba Wildlands  
Experimental Lakes Area Science To End 25 May 12

ELA troutCanadian government budget cuts to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and recent letters to staff and scientists mean the Experimental Lakes Area in East of Kenora in south west Ontario will be closed. The out door lakes lab project started 44 years ago. Fifty eight small lakes ecosystems are used for real world experiments, with the results applied to policy, science treaties and regulatory frameworks.

"We use these lakes the way medical researchers use white mice," says Mike Paterson, the scientist-in-charge at the ELA.

Research from the Experimental Lakes Area, based on laboratory analyses, has had profound impact on environmental policy across North America. In the 1970s, work at the ELA led to an almost world wide ban on dish detergent containing phosphorous. During the1980s, ELA scientists proved harmful effects of acid rain, which led to new standards for airborne pollutants., and cooperation between Canada and the US to reduce acid rain effects.

The Experimental Lakes Area research is invaluable in demonstrating environmental impact of chemicals in water ecosystems. Hundreds of scientists and students have been involved in aquatic and ecosystem research at the ELA. Much of the work from the ELA has been centred in the Fresh Water Institute in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

View May 19, 2012 Winnipeg Free Press editorial
View May 17, 2012 The Globe and Mail article
View May 19, 2012 iPolitics article
View May 18, 2012 Manitoba Wildlife Federation blog post
View May 18, 2012 Winnipeg Free Press article
View August 17, 2008 Winnipeg Free Press article
View May 23, 2012 The Tyee article
View media coverage on Save ELA website
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