Manitoba Wildlands  
NRTEE Reality Check on Canada's Climate Progress 15 June 12

NRTEE report cover "Canada will not achieve its 2020 GHG emission reductions target unless significant new, additional measures are taken. More will have to be done. No other conclusion is possible," states a recent report by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE).

The report, Reality Check: The State of Climate Progress in Canada, was requested by Environment Minister Peter Kent in 2011. At the time Minister Kent stated NTREE was "uniquely positioned" to assess federal, provincial and territorial governments' efforts to reduce GHGs. Ottawa's overall goal is to reduce emissions by 17 per cent from 2005 levels.

The report's findings have reinforced some key truths about current climate change policy in Canada:
  • A national target needs a concerted national policy behind it;
  • Policy uncertainty still exists and stifles progress;
  • The country has yet to implement effective policies to address some large sources of emissions

This will be the second last report from the NTREE, which for the past 25 years has provided original research and advice on everything from the effect of climate change on the economy to boreal forest ecological services, but whose funding was cut in the 2012 Canada Budget.

Former Conservative MP and member of NTREE Bob Mills described the decision to cut NTREE funding as "dumb."

"If you're smart you surround yourself with really smart people. And if you're dumb, you surround yourself with a bunch of cheerleaders. We don't need cheerleaders. What we need are smart people," Mills said.

View National Round Table on Environment and Economy (NRTEE) report
View June 13, 2012 CBC News coverage
View June 13, 2012 Zizzo Allan Climae Law LLP coverage
View June 13, 2012 iPolitics coverage
View June 7, 2012 CBC News coverage
View Manitoba Wildlands Canada Climate Change Initiatives page
Sources: NRTEE, CBC
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