Manitoba Wildlands  
$18 M for Lake Winnipeg, Zilch for ELA 3 August 12

lake winnipeg rocks Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper arrived in Gimli, Manitoba on August 2, 2012 to announce funding for the Lake Winnipeg Basin Initiative (LWBI), but was met by a cadre of citizens' upset by the Government's recent decision to pull the plug on funding for northwestern Ontario's Experimental Lakes Area (ELA).

"Our priority in this area is this particular project [LWBI] and obviously we're not intending to continue that other project [ELA]," retorted the Prime Minister.

Dian Orihel, the leader of the Coalition to Save the ELA supports the new funding, but added: "The ELA is pivotal to the health of Lake Winnipeg."

"Funding Lake Winnipeg research without funding ELA is like sending rowers to the Olympics without oars," said Jon Gerrard, Manitoba's Liberal leader.

"Much of the fundamental understanding of nutrient management in lakes so critical to the recovery of Lake Winnipeg has and is being developed at the ELA," said Ray Hesslein of the Lake Winnipeg Foundation science advisory board.

Located in northwestern Ontario and founded in 1968 ELA includes 58 lakes and their watershed. Most lakes are monitored to provide baseline control data. This has provided an invaluable 44 year data set on more than 40 lakes. By manipulating and studying conditions in some of the non-control lakes and their watersheds, scientists there have made many discoveries with real world impact. Some key areas of influence have been in understanding and managing algal blooms, acid rain, climate change, mercury pollution, greenhouse gas fluxes from hydroelectric reservoirs, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

View August 3, 2012 Winnipeg Free Press coverage
View August 2, 2012 CBC coverage
View August 2, 2012 CTV coverage
View August 2, 2012 Jon Gerrard blog post
View Save The Experimental Lakes Areas website
View May 25, 2012 Manitoab Wildlands news item
Source: Winnipeg Free Press
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