Manitoba Wildlands  
Government Cancels 3,000 Environmental Reviews 24 August 12

Coat of arms of Canada Canada cancelled 2,970 screenings of potential environmental damage from a wide variety of proposed development projects July 6, 2012. The cancelled environmental reviews include coastal seismic testing, considered to be harmful to marine species, as well as a controversial proposal to reverse an Enbridge pipeline, and the construction of a new crude oil terminal and pipeline infrastructure for TransCanada's Keystone route.

"If you care about clean air, fresh water and wild salmon you should be very, very concerned," said Gwen Barlee, Wilderness Committee policy director.

"It's death by a thousand cuts. All these little projects are destroying habitat and Ottawa is ignoring that," said Otto Langer, retired head of habitat assessment and planning for the federal fisheries department in B.C.

The cancelled reviews are a direct result of the Government of Canada's omnibus budget bill, which passed May 2012, modifying or replacing 69 pieces of legislation. This included completely replacing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

"Sadly in Canada right now when the oil industry says jump, the government asks how high," said Hannah McKinnon, campaign director of Climate Action Network Canada, a coalition of environmental, labour union and faith-based groups.

The number of environmental reviews cancelled in each Canadian province are as follows: Alberta (348), British Columbia (492), Manitoba (87), New Brunswick (141), Newfoundland and Labrador (152), Northwest Territories (6), Nova Scotia (151), Nunavut (1), Ontario (561), PEI (24), Quebec (295), Saskatchewan (638), Yukon (1).

View August 23, 2012 Postmedia News coverage
View August 23, 2012 Ottawa Citizen coverage
View August 22, 2012 Vancouver Sun coverage
View August 22, 2012 Postmedia News Coverage
View Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Screenings Cancelled in July 2012 page
View Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Screenings Cancelled in May 2012 page
View August 24, 2012 Times Colonist article
View August 29, 2012 Toronto Star article
Sources: Postmedia News, Vancouver Sun
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